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Cowboy Prostitutes
Andreas Stromback - keyboards and backing vocals
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Anders Wickstrom - guitars and backing vocalsLuca Isabelle - vocals and bass

After having heard to "Over The Top" the last demo signed Cowboy Prostitutes I've soon contacted Luca Isabelle (vocals, bass), Anders Wickstrom (guitars, backing vocals) and Pistolper (drums) in order to know something more about the plans of this Swedish trio. The two catchy songs included in the demo seem to wish the band the best expectations. Meanwhile I remind all of my Exploders that Luca has been also in Sonic Boom Boys, whose old singer was Geoff Starr (recently been in Italy). As far as I can understand from Luca, a reunion of his former band sounds like quite impossible, but remember: never say never!

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Hi guys, we're very pleased to have you here on "The Rock Explosion" to ask you something about your band. So, Luca why did you decided to move from Italy to London and from London To Sweden? How and when did you meet and decided to form the band? Why did you choose "Cowboys Prostitutes" as name for the band?
Luca: Hello to you! First of all, I moved from Italy because I wanted to play rock'n'roll and in Italy in those days there was no way out! So I went to London where I stayed for over six years and played with several bands (one of which was Sonic Boom Boys). Then, disappointed with London and the scene there, I decided to move to Sweden where I thought Rock'n'Roll was still alive. And I was right! I put up an add in the local music store and a couple of days later this freak by the name of Anders called me up and there we were. It was as simple as that! Why cowboy Prostitutes? 'Cause we are dirty and ugly like cowboys but we would do anything for Rock'n'Roll like a whore!

Which are the main differences between "Over The Top" sound and your first "Take No Shit" demo sound? I know that the line-up changed, tell us about the reasons why you did this choice...
Luca: "Take No Shit" was released after just a month and a half of Cowboy Prostitutes playing together so it's not that mature (even though I think the songs on it are great!) but "Over The Top" was actually more thought behind and took a long time to produce that's why it sounds so fucking good!! About the change of the line up there's only one thing to say: it was about time to get a drummer that kicked real ass and we always wanted to give the songs a little Southern Rock kinda vibe, so we took in Andreas at the keyboards.
Anders: Even though the first drummer, Rob, helped us out on the first recording, he was never the right man for us. When Pistolper came along, we knew we had found the hard hitting drummer we had always been looking for.

Your "Over The Top" remembers me bands as: Guns'N'Roses, Cinderella, Britny Fox, Quireboys, etc.! Do you agree with my opinion? Describe your sound with your own words? In general, which bands or artists of the past did influence you deeply, since the beginning of your career?
Luca: I actually agree, even though I think some of the other guys in the band are gonna have an heart attack any minute now…Anders?
Anders: I'm having one right now! I don't know what it is, but people always seem to mention these bands. To me it's only good old Rock'n'Roll. Personally my major influences are Kiss, Stones, Zeppelin and Johnny Winter.

What's the songwriting process that you use the most?
Luca: We walk around town getting drunk and looking for a victim for the next random beating!! (Pistolper is a professional, specially with small children). Only kidding…don't call the police on us just yet! It's normally me and Anders coming out with different ideas and then trying to put them together like two good boys.
Anders: Either me or Luca comes out with a few riffs that works together. After that Luca writes the words and melodies as I'm working on the guitar harmonies. Then we put it all together in the rehearsal room as one big family.

What's in the future of Cowboy Prostitutes? Can you do some anticipations about it? (tour dates, label contacts, full-lenght etc..)
Luca: As a good Italian I'm very superstitious, so I won't mention any names, but we have had the interest of a few labels; we have also just recorded some new songs for promotional use, which we hope to include in a full length album. About touring, we would love to come and play in Italy since the rock scene there is so good (where the fuck were you guys ten years ago?) and we are planning several shows in Sweden for the autumn.

Now is time to questions about life on the road, can you describe what usually happens during your live shows? Tell us something about the shows you think have been the greatest and the worst...
Luca: I don't know about the greatest (every time we hit the stage it's such a buzz ), but I know which one was the worse and I'm not gonna talk about it…Anders?
Anders: It's hard to pick the best one. I mean: the gig could be a really good one but the afterparty sucks or viceversa. We always make sure we kick some ass though! We have agreed not to talk about our worst gig and we won't; lest's just say it was a bad gig mixed with terrible drinks.

What do you usually do before going on stage? Do you have any particular usage or kind of spell against bad luck?
Luca: We normally sit and take the piss out of each other (specially of Anders). It helps to create the energy we then put on stage.
Anders: Me personally, I try to take it easy. Trying to stay sober and out of trouble ( not an easy task with these guys!)

What's your habitual instrumentation in studio and on the stage? Is there some brand in particular you love the most to use?
Luca: I'm normally happy to play with anything (it's Rock'n'Roll and if you know how to play it, you'll play it good, no matter the gear you use) but I have to consider myself lucky to play such a beauty as a Fender Precision Plus (do I get a sponsor deal now?).
Pistolper: I use Pearl drums. Can I get a deal as well?
Anders: I feel madly in love with the Gibson Firebird and I stick to that one. Apart from that I like anything that sounds loud.

Luca, can you describe us the main differences between Italian mentality, girls and food and Swedish ones? In your opinion, why do so many Swedish rock bands reach the fame and some Italian cool bands keep on remaining in the underground?
Luca: Swedish girls are more or less the same as Italian girls: totally nuts! The mentality is, as you can imagine, colder and the food… do I need to say anything on this one? Put it this way: they eat pasta with tomato ketchup!! About the difference between Swedish bands and Italian ones and why they make it and we don't, brings me back to the reason for which I moved to London: Italians simply don't believe enough in themselves!! Look at the fucking football!! We have such a low self-esteem…it's crazy!! I know that in Italy there are bands as good as the bands here in Sweden (if not even better); the difference is: they believe in themselves! They are the best and they are not afraid to say it. Swedish people actually buy Swedish Rock!! Us in Italy, we spend so much time looking at the American scene and the English scene and now the Swedish scene, that we've killed our own. If nobody in Italy buys Italian Rock, those bands will starve and eventually disappear again.

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What kind of music are you listening lately? Which are the today's international artists that you like and you dream to share the stage? Viceversa, which are the ones you dislike? Please, be nasty'n'true guys...
Luca: I haven't bought an album of new rock music for ages! I still listen to the same old shit I was listening to fifteen years ago; in my car stereo at the moment there is some Junkyard. I have been listening though to the latest Crack House "the Damage". I do dislike anything that's got to do with RnB and all that pile of shit! I've never seen so many people getting rich ripping of the kids all in once!
Pistolper: Basically there hasn't been any real Rock'n'Roll bands for 10-15 years. Of course the exception confirms the rule!
Anders: Last album I was listening to was Alice Cooper's "Killers", a great classic. About new ones…I don't know. If there is one band I can't stand it's Nirvana. I would love to share a stage with Lemmy.

What's your opinion about internet and about exchanging music on-line, sharing mp3 files and so on? Which are the best and the worst aspects of the net?
Luca: I think that the internet is a good and quick way for exchanging information between each other about bands (now days even the kid that lives in some farmland in Bulgaria is as informed about music as the one that lives in London or New York), but I also think that it is a danger to the professional musician 'cause it is slowly killing the music business as we know it. Me, I rather buy my self a cd or a vinyl than having to listen to the music through a cold computer where you can't even hold the cover of the album and read over and over every inch of it while listening.

Fav pornstar and drink, and your fav 5 top albums of ever...
Luca: Fav pornstar?: It's got to be Pistolper. I love beer and (if I can afford it) Jack Daniel's.
5 top albums: "Appetite For Destruction", Junkyard's "Junkyard", "Dr Feelgood", "Two Steps From The Move", Social Distortion's "Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell".
Pistolper: Of course Jenna Jameson, Janine, and all the girls in "Where Boys Aren't"1-13! And the list goes on…
Anders: I have to say Cicciolina. And I always had a big crash on Samantha Fox. I love any beverage that contains alcohol but I prefer a good ol' Bud.
Top 5: Kiss "Alive", Jimmy Hendrix "Are You Experienced", "Pride'n'Glory", Mötley Crue's "Mötley Crue", Mötorhead "Overkill".

Choose one between these "be or not to be" options, and let us know the reasons of your choice...
Look or Music:
Luca: Music (if you only look good, be an actor or a model but live Rock'n'Roll alone))
PISTOLPER: What?!? Music of course!
Anders: What's the reason to play rock if you don't look cool?
Hardcore or Softcore:
Luca: Who cares?
Anders: First Soft and then fucking Hardcore!
Ferrari or Volvo:
Luca: Volvo ( More miles with one litre)!
Pistolper: No contest!! Ford Mustang 67-73!
Anders: What's wrong with flying?
Snow Blind or Sweet Leaf:
Luca: What?
Anders: I just love "Sweet leaf": great song!
Natural Tits or Silicon Tits:
Luca: Who cares?
Pistolper: Naturals, of course.
Anders: More than an handful is a waste. But I love them all.
CJ Sleez (www.cjsleez.com) oppure Queen Bee www.queenbeedetroit.com:
Luca: I've never heard of any of them before.
Anders: But I'm sure it's great.
European Football Cup's last edition, Denmark 2 - Sweden 2... Fixed Result or Strange Result:
Luca: If you actually believe in Santa… you'll believe that shit wasn't fixed!
Pistolper: He he… of course it was fixed.
Anders: It makes me proud to be a Swede. You've got the Ferrari team and we've got 2-2. It's better to succeed by cheating than not to win at all.

If you had the chance to change something in the world, what would you do for sure?
Luca: I would put Guns'n'Roses original line up on stage before a show of the Darkness and then see if they would still go on and do what they do or if they'd run and hide!
Anders: Give the singer of Nickelback a new hairdresser.

What's the craziest you have ever done in your life?
Luca: Entered dressed up as I normally do (cowboy hat included) an illegal RnB and Hip Hop club in some basement in London (remember that one Jas?).
Anders: I can't remember but I'm sure I was naked and drunk somewhere! Oh yeah, once I almost sold my original Black Sabbath Paranoid album. Stupid thing to do.

In which way do you use to spend your spare time?
Luca: I cut the grass with my ride on!

Ok we've almost finished. I thank for this interview. Would you like to say something to "The Rock Explosion" readers?
Luca: Keep up what you're doing with Rock'n'Roll down there and I hope we will party together some day (soon!!).
Pistolper: Rock'n'Roll motherfuckers!!!

Intervista realizzata da Bruno Rossi
Traduzione di Margherita Realmonte
Supervisione di Margherita Realmonte

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